Friday, April 13, 2007

Looking for something "safe"?...(part 3)

So, is "safety" really important in life?... Is it really God's plan? To answer that, let's look at what Jesus said to the first followers he had... after all, this would be the most untainted "calling"... certainly Jesus was concerned enough about the original 12 followers to keep them safe and out of harm's way.

Not exactly: When it came time for the "Son of Man to receive his glory"... he said he would receive that glory through death. Isn't that odd?... the Savior of the world receives glory through death... that doesn't sound very safe. So, "safety" wasn't the most important thing in life to God himself.

But what about us? God's supposed to sacrifice himself for us, but he definitely wants us to be "safe." Well, two verses later, Jesus talks about all of us in general terms and he says, "Those who love their lives will lose them, but those who hate their lives in this world will keep true life forever." (John 12:25) Ooops, maybe I should have used another verse to show that God's plan for us is for us to be safe.

Do you see the point? God cares about his glory, our obedience, and his opportunity to offer his love and forgiveness to everyone who is willing to accept it. He doesn't care much about our "safety." And that doesn't need to be our first concern in life either. In fact, if it is our biggest concern... God says it will cost us "true life"... maybe part of that cost shows up as we continue locking ourselves in our house... hiding from others... and refusing to risk building relationships with the "unsafe" people around us.

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