Thursday, September 13, 2007

You Might Be Rich

You might be rich... and not even know it. During lunch today, take about 5 minutes and go to Type in your last name (don't worry about your first name, unless your last name is VERY common) and press search. You may be the proud owner of a $6.18 refund because you paid too much on a power bill at the house you lived at 8 years ago. Or, a distant third-cousin, twice-removed may have made a fortune by inventing a possum trap and left you with part of a $4 million dollar estate. Maybe you opened a savings account with the $27.92 you made off a lemonade stand when you were five years old... forgot about it... and now (with interest) it has grown enough for a college fund. Who knows?

I look on the site from time to time just to see if I might "strike it rich." I didn't find anything this morning for me, but I did find some money for my cousin and my aunt... maybe a little, maybe a lot... I'm about to email them. And, before I did, I just thought you'd like to know.

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