Tuesday, September 11, 2007

6 Years

As I drove into work this morning, the radio DJ came on to mark the moment when the first plane struck the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Immediately, I was taken back to the exact time 6 years ago when that happened. It was on my way into the office then that I heard the initial announcement on the radio... they broke into the regular talk show to say that reports were coming in from New York that a small plane had run into the side of one of the World Trade Center Towers. When I pulled into the parking lot, I headed into the office and gathered with the other members of the staff as we watched the horrible events of that day unfold on a 7-inch black and white TV. Who would have ever imagined the full impact of that attack?

Take some time today to remember that morning... and the people that families that have lost loved ones as a result.

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