Monday, September 24, 2007

Learning to speak "American"

I was at Walmart on Friday and had one of those really funny moments that just made me laugh. I am not a big fan of the self-service checkout stations because it really does take as long as if there were that many regular registers open, but it can lead to some very funny situations, so I guess they're not that bad.

As I was ringing up my items, a couple approached the station behind me and proceeded to ring up their items. I think the woman was just one of those people that likes to complain because it gives her something to talk about... so when she approached the screen and saw the first question on the screen, she decided to say something to her husband... unfortunately she said it loud enough for me to hear.

WOMAN: "I hate these stupid things..."

MAN: "huh?"

WOMAN: "...these machines. I hate when they ask me what language I want to choose..."

MAN: "oh"

WOMAN: "I mean this is America... of course I want to ring my stuff up in American... not Spanish."

Wouldn't it be great if we all spoke American? But, of course, in our part of the country many different languages are spoken: Spanish, Korean, English... and, apparently, even "American". Different languages can be confusing and sometimes it can be hard to carry on conversations with people when don't fully understand each other.

That's actually a lesson we ought to carry into other parts of our lives, too. In Romans, God identifies how difficult it is for someone to begin a relationship with him when they haven't heard about him and his Son. And, God goes on to say that people won't hear about him unless someone tells them. Doesn't it seem logical that "we" might be the "someones" God was talking about? You run in different circles of people than I run with (different friends, different companies, different neighborhoods, etc.). There are people in my circles of influence that need to hear about God, and I want to have discussions with these people about spiritual things... and my friends may not understand what you have to say because they don't know you very well. There are also people in your circles of influence that need to hear about God, and I hope you want to have discussions with those people about spiritual things... and your friends may not understand what I have to say because they don't know me very well. So, each of us are responsible for starting our own discussions in our own circles of influence. As we start these discussions, people will hear about God and his Son... and as people hear, they can begin their relationships with Christ.

Just think for a moment how this community will change when all of us are starting discussions about spiritual things in our own circles of influence.

So turn off your computer now and go meet some of your friends and talk... and know that you are having an incredible impact on the Kingdom of God... whether you speak Spanish, or Korean, or English... or even "American".

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