Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Mentally...I'm not here right now

School is back in session which means my brain is not fully engaged here at the office right now. It has been a crazy first four days of having all three of my kids in school (3rd grade, 1st grade, and Kindergarten), so I am a little tired, but that's not real reason for my mental absence.

The real reason is that I've missed the people at Youth Elementary School, and now I want to find ways to hang out with them. I look forward to running by there in the afternoons and checking on the staff and helping where I can. I look forward to spending time in the classrooms with the kids, and I especially look forward to getting to know the other parents at the after-school meetings and special events. Youth Elementary School is full of people that are disconnected from Christ and disconnected from church. It's my responsibility to help them hear about Jesus and begin to explore spiritual things again. Please pray for me and my family as we try to take every opportunity we can to build relationships and friendships with these incredible people. Our hope is that, through those relationships, we will have opportunities to develop people to follow Jesus and make disciples.

And, know that I am praying for you as well. I pray that the next several months will provide you opportunities within your own mission fields to meet people, spend time with them, build friendships with them, and help them connect with God. Have an incredible week!

"When he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them because they were hurting and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus said to his followers, 'There are many people to harvest, but only a few workers to help harvest them. Pray to the Lord, who owns the harvest, that he will send more workers to gather his harvest.'" Matthew 9:36-38

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