Monday, August 6, 2007

Bullies . . .Week 1

If you missed yesterday, you missed a great one. Thanks to all who helped us transition back to two services (Chad and the set-up team, David and the band, Rosemary and the children's team, along with all the first-impression and hospitality people). It was great!

If you weren't there, let me catch you up... God has given all of us a certain amount of talent, time, strengths, resources, and character qualities. He wants us to use those things to develop people to follow Jesus and make disciples. When we do that, awesome things happen. However, when we use what we have carelessly - and specifically, when we use those things for our own benefit instead of the benefit of others - we create chaos. Samson did that. He had incredible strength and an incredible calling on his life, but he used that strength carelessly. His main concern was himself and he wound up missing out on the opportunity he had to rescue the Israelites from the Philistines. In short, he abused his strengths... and became a bully.

In contrast, Jesus had greater strength, greater power, greater status, and a greater calling. But, instead of carelessly looking to benefit himself, he "emptied" himself of everything that made him great... and he went and suffered on a cross for our sake. As a result, God accomplished everything he needed to through his Son... we can now have a relationship with God because of the forgiveness Jesus offers. (Read more of the story in Philippians 2)

Two very different individuals (Samson / Jesus) with very different passions (himself / others) finished their lives with very different outcomes (dead with a reputation as a "bully"/ alive with the character of a "savior"). Jesus loved us to the point that he gave up everything so we could have a relationship with God. That is the clearest example of Persuasive Compassion that the world has ever seen. We want Church At The Grove to consistently display that kind of compassion toward those we run across every day. And, we want you to be part of that journey.

P.S. Check the church website later this week to listen to Russ' message about Samson.

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