Wednesday, August 29, 2007
It's a movie weekend...what should I see?
Any ideas?
Monday, August 27, 2007
Biblical Faith and the newest public source of laughter
Now, for the funny part of this post... what happens when we take something simple and make it impossible to understand? The now legendary response of Miss South Carolina in the Miss Teen USA Pageant.
She was asked the question, "recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can’t locate the U.S. on a world map. Why do you think this is?” Her response is truly unbelievable: “I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uhmmm, some people out there in our nation don’t have maps and uh, I believe that our, I, education like such as uh, South Africa, and uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uhhh, our education over here in the US should help the US, uh, should help South Africa, it should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future, for us.”
Yep, that's her answer... that's her incomprehensible answer to a simple question... that's her explanation of the challenges facing the US educational system... come to think of it... maybe her answer explains the problem as clearly as it's ever been explained.
Since you've got an extra minute anyway and you could use a good laugh, click to my friend Russ Butcher's blog to read what he had to say about it and watch the clip for yourself.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
If you read James with me, keep going
"But you are a chosen people, royal priests, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession. You were chosen to tell about the wonderful acts of God, who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light" 1 Peter 2:9 (NCV)
That's the secret... we have a relationship with God through his son Jesus... we have been called out of darkness and now experience God's wonderful light... our lives have been changed... now all we have to do is talk about it along the way. There's not a whole lot more to our lives... talk about how God is changing our lives.
That's what we mean around Church At The Grove when we say that we want to "Start Discussions that lead people to the hope that is found in Christ." Would you help us in those discussions? Have a great morning. I'll see you in a few hours.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Friday's going to be great... but not as good as September
We're going to eat some good food (as long as I don't burn it), laugh a lot, talk through some basic details of our groups, and pray for the hundred (or so) adults that will be involved in these groups. So, if you're not linked up with a group yet, email my wife to let us know you're interested. Our hosts and leaders are looking forward to it... we all are looking forward to it.
We know that nobody can go through this spiritual journey alone... life is best lived in the context of relationships. So, get the info, sign up for a September group, and prepare yourself for an incredible couple months of doing life with others.
Monday, August 20, 2007
We create the Sunday morning environment like we do so that people can have a place to explore faith at their own pace. Thanks to everyone who helps us with the environment each week... you're doing an incredible job. And, if you're not helping, consider jumping in... you'd be surprised how fun it can be to serve.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Does "unseen" mean "not real"?
Some would say that "faith" in a God that can't be seen is foolish. They would go on to say that "thinking people" would not trust in anything that can't be seen, touched or fully explained.
On Friday afternoon, a force that can't be seen, touched, or fully explained lifted my 200 pound trampoline (15' across with a safety enclosure), off the ground and threw it into the top of some 20' pine trees that are more than 50' away.

The point: just because something can't be seen, does not mean that it is not real. If you disagree, try telling my daughter who was less than thrilled to see the trampoline in the trees.

By the way, thanks to my friend Craig and my neighbor Bobby, for their help in recovering from this freak storm/wind gust. And, thanks to everyone in the neighborhood that immediately headed out in their vehicles to make sure nobody in the neighborhood was hurt or had majore property damage.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Make Disciples???
Two men spent a day with Jesus and they wanted to follow him. There was something about this man (rabbi, teacher, prophet, wanderer) that intrigued them. Something in what he said, how he lived, or just the way he spoke caused them to wonder who this man really was. When they identified him as the Messiah (savior, deliverer, rescuer, promised one)... they were hooked. This was the one that God promised all throughout the Old Testament... it would have been foolish not to follow him.
But, they didn't stop with that. It wasn't enough for them to have a relationship with God... it wasn't enough for them to meet the Savior and be rescued by him... they wanted others to know. They wanted others to follow him, too. They weren't content with "being" followers... they wanted to help "make" other followers.
And God used these two men (along with another ten) to change the world. Because they wanted to "make disciples," we now have the opportunity "be disciples." But now the responsibility falls on us. If we - as individuals or as a church - decide that it is enough just to "be disciples" then we kill off any hope for future generations to "follow Christ." Let's continue to have a heart for others to know the God that we follow. Let's continue to make disciples.
Follow Jesus???
–verb (used with object)
1. to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.: The speech follows the dinner.
2. to go or come after; move behind in the same direction: Drive ahead, and I'll follow you.
3. to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to: Many Germans followed Hitler.
4. to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: to follow orders; to follow advice. 5. to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar: They follow the latest fads.
6. to move forward along (a road, path, etc.): Follow this road for a mile.
7. to come after as a result or consequence; result from: Reprisals often follow victory.
8. to go after or along with (a person) as companion.
9. to go in pursuit of: to follow an enemy.
10. to try for or attain to: to follow an ideal.
11. to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit: He followed the sea as his true calling.
12. to watch the movements, progress, or course of: to follow a bird in flight.
13. to watch the development of or keep up with: to follow the news.
14. to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.): Do you follow me? –verb (used without object)
15. to come next after something else in sequence, order of time, etc.
16. to happen or occur after something else; come next as an event: After the defeat great disorder followed.
17. to attend or serve.
18. to go or come after a person or thing in motion.
19. to result as an effect; occur as a consequence: It follows then that he must be innocent. –noun
20. the act of following.
How well do we Follow Jesus?
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My kids are growing up
It's official - my kids are growing up. Nine years ago when Katie was born I had no idea how quickly this would happen. It really feels like we blinked twice and now we're old. As sad as it is to realize that my kids aren't babies anymore (I've got three in school and Carson doesn't even want us to walk him down to his classroom anymore because he's too big), I am excited to see how they've grown. They're getting taller, smarter, faster, and funnier every day. In other words, they're developing just like they should.
It is sad to watch them outgrow the need for their mom and dad, but it would be even more sad if they hadn't grown up. If my kids were still two feet tall, or still unable to walk, or still pooped in diapers... that would be difficult to deal with. Growing and developing is a natural process when something is healthy. So the growth in my kids is simply a sign of their health.
Over the last twelve months, I've seen some pretty amazing things in people's lives. The Church At The Grove community is full of people that are growing and developing as followers of Christ. Many of them rarely (if ever) attended church in the past. Many of them questioned (if they believed at all) basic spiritual truths. Many of them had difficulty (if they even attempted) living their lives in the way that Jesus teaches us to. But, as they've joined our spiritual journey, they've developed. Are they fully "mature" as disciples? No, but none of us are. The important thing is that they're "growing" and developing just like they should.
How sad it would be if these people had come in contact with the people of CATG, or the environment of CATG, or the teaching of CATG over the last year and not been changed at all. We want to develop people to follow Jesus and make disciples. If they don't develop, then they are not healthy. And, the world is already filled with "unhealthy" Christians... Christians that don't live like Jesus did... Christians that don't love like Jesus did... Christians that don't develop correctly.
Luke 2:52 "And Jesus matured, growing up in both body and spirit, blessed by both God and people. " (Message)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
No... I don't think I can dance!
Yesterday, Amy and I went shopping... we had a few things to pick up for the kids, so we hit several stores. The stores were pretty empty and the atmospheres were pretty relaxed... perhaps a little too relaxed. As we approached the back of one of the stores, I ran across a store employee that was enjoying his work... a lot. Right at the entrance to the stock room, there was a man... a large man... dancing to the music being played over the store radio... and he didn't know we were there. It caused an instant flashback to the 96 Rock TV Commercial from the early 1990s... and the original "Joey Bag O Donuts." If you don't remember... or you were still in elementary school at the time, watch this for a quick reminder (yes, I know that this isn't the "96 Rock" commercial, but I did the best I could and you get the idea).
Sure, in my younger years, I was known to demonstrate a little rhythm from time to time... and, then of course there's the dance recital video (only a few have seen it... and it's just not the right time for a public premiere yet). But now that I've grown and matured a little (well, I've grown a lot and matured a little), I know that nobody wants to see me dance... not on a street... not in a store... not on TV... need I say more? I don't have the skill or ability to impress anyone... and I don't have the business sense to make a lot of money with commercials or getting my name on the Moe's menu. So... No, I don't think I can dance.
But, I'm okay with that... and I deal with it by choosing not to dance. It's a conscious choice I make... putting aside one thing so that I can focus my energy on other things. For me, there are lots of things that are more important than trying to do something that I'm simply not gifted at or called to do. It's called "stewardship"... taking the time, energy, and resources that are available to you and putting them toward the most important things in your life. Stewardship is important... in choosing a dancing career or not... in life in general... and in the Church. We don't have enough time, energy, or resources to do everything, so we have to figure out what God calls us to do and focus on that.
How are you doing with that? Are you focused or scattered? Are you investing yourself in those things that are most important to you or are you wasting away with unimprtant things? Can you dance?... Are you doing something with that?... Or, are you just dancing at the entrance to the stock room?
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
"Simple" Mis-defined = Chaos
Parenting is complex... kids are crazy... and sometimes the two mix to create kids that act in ways that nobody can explain, take responsibility for, or fix. However, most cases where kids are out of control leads back to parents that wanted to raise kids in the "easiest" way possible. They thought that this "easy" or "simple" method of parenting was the best approach to life so they went for it. However, they defined "simple" parenting incorrectly at the very beginning and now all they've got is chaos. To them, "simple" meant no guidelines, no advice, no direction... just wait until the kid tells you what they need or want, then give it to them. It sounds "simple," and maybe it is for a while. But, as the kids grow, their demands and their way of doing things become more vocal and brash... and eventually you wind up with little balls of chaos and no way to control them.
"Simple" - in parenting, in business, in ministry, in life - does not mean having a total hands-off approach. It means direction and guidance that is focused on essential things while helping set aside nonessential things. Church At The Grove approaches ministry with simplicity in mind... what is essential in creating environments for people to explore faith, what is essential in encouraging relationships through community groups, and what is essential in starting discussions about spiritual things so that people are pointed to the hope that is found in Jesus Christ. We don't always achieve simplicity... sometimes chaos ensues... but our goal is that everything we do is streamlined so that we can most effectively impact unconvinced people around us. Thank you to everyone that helps us keep things simple around here... you guys are awesome.
River Hills Church
One of the things that caught my eye was their statement that their "sole purpose is to provide real truth for real people." "Real" is a great word to use when describing part of the mission of God's church. The world is full of "fake"... and "fake" is useless. After all, most people out there are looking for an explanation of reality that they can understand... a definition that includes a real God that cares about us, an understanding of the real separation we feel from this God, an explanation of what he did to reconnect with us in a real way, and a demonstration of what his word says about living out our real lives in the way that Jesus really taught. "Real truth for real people" is a great way to say it.
Are you looking for "real" in your life? Have you found it yet? Have you found the real God and have you connected with him? Have you found real truth and is it changing you? What about people, have you found real friends that help you along in your spiritual journey? If you haven't found one of these things yet, keep searching. God will show up, he will change you, and he will put people around you that will journey with you. And, when those things come about, it is an incredible thing to experience.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Mentally...I'm not here right now
The real reason is that I've missed the people at Youth Elementary School, and now I want to find ways to hang out with them. I look forward to running by there in the afternoons and checking on the staff and helping where I can. I look forward to spending time in the classrooms with the kids, and I especially look forward to getting to know the other parents at the after-school meetings and special events. Youth Elementary School is full of people that are disconnected from Christ and disconnected from church. It's my responsibility to help them hear about Jesus and begin to explore spiritual things again. Please pray for me and my family as we try to take every opportunity we can to build relationships and friendships with these incredible people. Our hope is that, through those relationships, we will have opportunities to develop people to follow Jesus and make disciples.
And, know that I am praying for you as well. I pray that the next several months will provide you opportunities within your own mission fields to meet people, spend time with them, build friendships with them, and help them connect with God. Have an incredible week!
"When he saw the crowds, he felt sorry for them because they were hurting and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus said to his followers, 'There are many people to harvest, but only a few workers to help harvest them. Pray to the Lord, who owns the harvest, that he will send more workers to gather his harvest.'" Matthew 9:36-38
Monday, August 6, 2007
Bullies . . .Week 1
If you weren't there, let me catch you up... God has given all of us a certain amount of talent, time, strengths, resources, and character qualities. He wants us to use those things to develop

In contrast, Jesus had greater strength, greater power, greater status, and a greater calling. But, instead of carelessly looking to benefit himself, he "emptied" himself of everything that made him great... and he went and suffered on a cross for our sake. As a result, God accomplished everything he needed to through his Son... we can now have a relationship with God because of the forgiveness Jesus offers. (Read more of the story in Philippians 2)
Two very different individuals (Samson / Jesus) with very different passions (himself / others) finished their lives with very different outcomes (dead with a reputation as a "bully"/ alive with the character of a "savior"). Jesus loved us to the point that he gave up everything so we could have a relationship with God. That is the clearest example of Persuasive Compassion that the world has ever seen. We want Church At The Grove to consistently display that kind of compassion toward those we run across every day. And, we want you to be part of that journey.
P.S. Check the church website later this week to listen to Russ' message about Samson.