Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Nothing But Clay

I'm heading off to an incredible 3-day conference called Catalyst. Russ, David, and I will be poured into for the next couuple days, so pray for us. But, before I went, I wanted to jot something down that I was reading this morning.

2 Corinthians 4:7 "We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure."

When we begin a relationship with Christ, we truly have an incredible treasure put in us... eternal life. But, when God puts that treasure in us, he doesn't decorate the jar on the outside... we're still just "clay"... the most simple form of pottery that existed in the ancient world.

So, if God decided that "simple" people were worthy of carrying his incredible treasure, why do so many churches believe that "fancy" and "complex" is the only way to carry the treasure today?

Resist the urge to complicate the treasure... remember that we are nothing but clay.

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