Tuesday, October 9, 2007

After three intense days, I've finally caught my breath

Catalyst was awesome (it always is), and it has taken me three days to recover from it, digest what I learned, process some of my "next steps", and have the energy to write a little bit. Of course, over the next couple weeks and months, I will write more, but I wanted to share a quick thing from Dave Ramsey that we were challenged with.

"Imagine what the people of God could do for the kingdom of God, if the resources that the people of God managed were freed up to do His work." Over the last several days, I've heard of several choices that friends and acquaintances of mine are making that will put them further in the whole, financially. And, if you're reading this while you are facing the opportunity to make a really stupid financial decision, I'm begging you to patiently wait and reevaluate it through the principles that God has laid out in scripture.

1. All the stuff you have is actually His stuff . . . you don't own it, you just manage it.

2. If you use every bit of His stuff to pay for your stuff . . . you won't have any of His stuff left to invest in the work He wants to do.

3. If we borrow someone else's stuff in order to pay for more stuff for us . . . we make slaves of ourselves, our resources, and the stuff that God lets us manage.

4. And, if we change how we live, buy less stuff, and manage His stuff better, we will free up more of His stuff to do what He wants to do.

The point is... if you are about t0 make a stupid financial decision... please wait, contact me (craig@churchatthegrove.com) so I can put you in touch with a financial counselor, and make the decision that you will no longer use all of God's stuff to meet your needs and wants. Trust me: there is freedom in handling your money with God's principles in mind.

P.S. Watch for Church At The Grove's new series in November: "Rich Man/Poor Man" where we will talk about this topic in depth.

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