Friday, May 25, 2007

Relational Collision

Last night I had the chance to watch American Idol with 16 other adults and some of their kids. The show was pretty predictable... I think since the week that Sanjaya left, everyone in the country pretty much knew that Jordin would win... right?... okay, so not EVERYONE knew that... but YOU did!?!

What was not as predictable was the party we hosted... a total of 18 different adults from 21- 32 years old (Amy and I were the oldest in the room), single and married, kids and no kids, all with different spiritual backgrounds and different family backgrounds. Most of the people last night were first-time guests in our home... we knew several of them pretty well, but there were also many that we didn't know and even more of them didn't know each other. Lots of things could have gone wrong... but nothing did. It could have been an entire house full of people that had nothing to talk about with each other... but that didn't happen either. In other words, it could have been a relational flop... but it turned into a relational collision... different people... different lives... different perspectives... living life... and sharing it with others.

So we watched American Idol and we talked about our jobs, our families, and our predictions for the results. And we lived life... together. It was awesome. Maybe you should try it? Pick a night this Summer and invite a bunch of people to come be guests in your home... then, relax and see what happens. Maybe it will flop. Or maybe, just maybe, people will collide and relationships will happen. See you Sunday!

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