Saturday, May 26, 2007

People are talkin'... talkin' 'bout people

I majored in relationship development at the University of Georgia. I took lots of classes about how people communicate... what they say... how they act... body language... voice inflection... eye contact, etc. And, the basic point of all my classes is that we communicate all the time, with everything. In other words, whether you like it or not, every time there is someone that can see, hear, or smell you... you are communicating something to them.

And, that communication to others causes them to communicate as well... sometimes they communicate something back to you... sometimes they communicate something about you to someone else. Basically, the song is right... people are talkin'... talkin' 'bout people.

So, with that in mind, what are you communicating? I recently spent some time in a public situation with some people that came across as arrogant, snooty, and entitled (don't worry, I'm not talking about you... if you are reading this blog, you weren't there). Many of the people in the room were believers, and there were probably some that were not. I was helping them with something, and only one of them was helping me. The rest were either oblivious to me or came across as if they were "'better" than me in their own eyes... and "better" than another person that was in the room... a person that was not a believer.

One of the ways that Church At The Grove attempts to extend God's love to others is by starting discussions. The basic idea is that if people are talking about spiritual things, then God will show up and reveal himself to them (this is God's idea... he talks about it in the book of Jeremiah). When we are in charge of these discussions, we try to make them effective and intentional... pointing people to Jesus. When we are unaware of these discussions, we so often come across as uncaring, aloof, arrogant, snooty or entitled. As you go through life, don't become unaware of what you are communicating. People around you are watching what you do, hearing what you say, taking in everything about your life... and they are "understanding" what you are communicating to them. Are they hearing that they are important to a God out there that made them and loves them and sent his son for them? Or, are they hearing that you are "better" than them?

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