Right now, it is about 5:30pm on Thursday night in Jerusalem. One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-Seven years ago, at 5:30pm on this Thursday night, Jesus and his disciples would be gathering for their final meal together in the upper room...lower/center of the picture.
The Bible records this part of the story beginning about a few hours ago in John 13:1 "It was almost time for the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that it was time for him to leave this world and go back to the Father. He has always loved those who were his own in the world, and he loved them all the way to the end."
And now, the end begins...the disciples come away from the party happening in the streets as people prepared for the Feast...and they join their Rabbi (Teacher) in the upper room of a house owned by a man that we don't even know the name of. As they settle into their spots at the table...Jesus begins to teach them...but with actions instead of words. These lessons that Jesus will live in front of them won't stop for the next 72 hours.
With less than 24 hours left until his death, he makes an unusual decision...John 13:3 tells us that Jesus had power over everything. He could have changed the upcoming events...he could have stopped time or rerouted history...he could have done anything he wanted to..but he chose to keep things going as they were. The disciples don't know it yet, but they are about to get a lesson in love that will change the world. If Jesus had run away or changed the events of the hours ahead, he could not have demonstrated his love. If he had focused on himself and what would have been best for him, he would not have been able to meet the greatest need of his disciples...the need for a Savior.
But, "he loved them all the way to the end," so he gathered his disciples around him one last time and continued to show that he put others first. And the disciples sat there, with their Rabbi/ Teacher/ Friend...learning about love...love that puts others first.
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